Viewer: Themeing
Themeing is currently accomplished with color variables that are defined within
the :root
(allowing them to cascade across all elements). This repository's components,
and the ones we consume from our
component library
utilize them. We are interested in pursuing more robust themeing options, and
open to pull requests and discussion issues.
:root { /* Interface UI Colors */ --default-color: #9ccef9; --hover-color: #ffffff; --active-color: #20a5d6; --ui-border-color: #44626f; --ui-border-color-dark: #3c5d80; --ui-border-color-active: #00a4d9; --primary-background-color: #000000; --box-background-color: #3e5975;
--text-primary-color: #ffffff; --text-secondary-color: #91b9cd; --input-background-color: #2c363f; --input-placeholder-color: #d3d3d3;
--table-hover-color: #2c363f; --table-text-primary-color: #ffffff; --table-text-secondary-color: #91b9cd;
--large-numbers-color: #6fbde2;
--state-error: #ffcccc; --state-error-border: #ffcccc; --state-error-text: #ffcccc;
/* Common palette */ --ui-yellow: #e29e4a; --ui-sky-blue: #6fbde2;
/* State palette */ --ui-state-error: #ffcccc; --ui-state-error-border: #993333; --ui-state-error-text: #661111; --ui-gray-lighter: #436270; --ui-gray-light: #516873; --ui-gray: #263340; --ui-gray-dark: #16202b; --ui-gray-darker: #151a1f; --ui-gray-darkest: #14202a;
--calendar-day-color: #d3d3d3; --calendar-day-border-color: #d3d3d3; --calendar-day-active-hover-background-color: #516873; --calendar-main-color: #263340; --viewport-border-thickness: 1px;}
White LabelingA white-label product is a product or service produced by one company (the producer) that other companies (the marketers) rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it - Wikipedia: White-Label Product
Current white-labeling options are limited. We expose the ability to replace the
"Logo" section of the application with a custom "Logo" component. You can do
this by adding a whiteLabeling
key to your
configuration file.
function RadicalImagingLogo(React) { return React.createElement( 'a', { target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', className: 'header-brand', href: '', }, React.createElement('h5', {}, 'RADICAL IMAGING') );}
props.whiteLabeling = { createLogoComponentFn: RadicalImagingLogo,};