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Version: Version 2.0

Viewer: Themeing

Themeing is currently accomplished with color variables that are defined within the :root selector (allowing them to cascade across all elements). This repository's components, and the ones we consume from our @ohif/ui component library utilize them. We are interested in pursuing more robust themeing options, and open to pull requests and discussion issues.

:root {  /* Interface UI Colors */  --default-color: #9ccef9;  --hover-color: #ffffff;  --active-color: #20a5d6;  --ui-border-color: #44626f;  --ui-border-color-dark: #3c5d80;  --ui-border-color-active: #00a4d9;  --primary-background-color: #000000;  --box-background-color: #3e5975;
  --text-primary-color: #ffffff;  --text-secondary-color: #91b9cd;  --input-background-color: #2c363f;  --input-placeholder-color: #d3d3d3;
  --table-hover-color: #2c363f;  --table-text-primary-color: #ffffff;  --table-text-secondary-color: #91b9cd;
  --large-numbers-color: #6fbde2;
  --state-error: #ffcccc;  --state-error-border: #ffcccc;  --state-error-text: #ffcccc;
  /* Common palette */  --ui-yellow: #e29e4a;  --ui-sky-blue: #6fbde2;
  /* State palette */  --ui-state-error: #ffcccc;  --ui-state-error-border: #993333;  --ui-state-error-text: #661111;  --ui-gray-lighter: #436270;  --ui-gray-light: #516873;  --ui-gray: #263340;  --ui-gray-dark: #16202b;  --ui-gray-darker: #151a1f;  --ui-gray-darkest: #14202a;
  --calendar-day-color: #d3d3d3;  --calendar-day-border-color: #d3d3d3;  --calendar-day-active-hover-background-color: #516873;  --calendar-main-color: #263340;  --viewport-border-thickness: 1px;}

White Labeling#

A white-label product is a product or service produced by one company (the producer) that other companies (the marketers) rebrand to make it appear as if they had made it - Wikipedia: White-Label Product

Current white-labeling options are limited. We expose the ability to replace the "Logo" section of the application with a custom "Logo" component. You can do this by adding a whiteLabeling key to your configuration file.

function RadicalImagingLogo(React) {  return React.createElement(    'a',    {      target: '_blank',      rel: 'noopener noreferrer',      className: 'header-brand',      href: '',    },    React.createElement('h5', {}, 'RADICAL IMAGING')  );}
props.whiteLabeling = {  createLogoComponentFn: RadicalImagingLogo,};