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Version: Version 3.0 ๐Ÿšง

Module: Layout Template


LayoutTemplates are a new concept in v3 that modes use to control the layout of a route. A layout template is a React component that is given a set of managers that define apis to access toolbar state, commands, and hotkeys, as well as props defined by the layout template.

For instance the default LayoutTemplate takes in leftPanels, rightPanels and viewports as props, which it uses to build its view.

In addition, layout template has complete control over the structure of the application. You could have tools down the left side, or a strict guided workflow with tools set programmatically, the choice is yours for your use case.

const getLayoutTemplateModule = (/* ... */) => [  {    id: 'exampleLayout',    name: 'exampleLayout',    component: ExampleLayoutComponent,  },];

The props that are passed to layoutTemplate are managers and service, along with the defined mode left/right panels, mode's defined viewports and OHIF ViewportGridComp. LayoutTemplate leverages extensionManager to grab typed extension module entries: *.getModuleEntry(id)

A simplified code for Default extension's layout template is:

import React from 'react';import { SidePanel } from '@ohif/ui';
function Toolbar({ servicesManager }) {  const { ToolBarService } =;
  return (    <>      // ToolBarService.getButtonSection('primary') to get toolbarButtons      {, index) => {        const { id, Component, componentProps } = toolDef;        return (          <Component            key={id}            id={id}            {...componentProps}            bState={buttonState}            isActive={isActive}            onInteraction={args => ToolBarService.recordInteraction(args)}          />        );      })}    </>  );}
function ViewerLayout({  // From Extension Module Params  extensionManager,  servicesManager,  hotkeysManager,  commandsManager,  // From Modes  leftPanels,  rightPanels,  viewports,  ViewportGridComp,}) {  const getPanelData = id => {    const entry = extensionManager.getModuleEntry(id);    const content = entry.component;
    return {      iconName: entry.iconName,      iconLabel: entry.iconLabel,      label: entry.label,      name:,      content,    };  };
  const getViewportComponentData = viewportComponent => {    const entry = extensionManager.getModuleEntry(viewportComponent.namespace);
    return {      component: entry.component,      displaySetsToDisplay: viewportComponent.displaySetsToDisplay,    };  };
  const leftPanelComponents =;  const rightPanelComponents =;  const viewportComponents =;
  return (    <div>      <Toolbar servicesManager={servicesManager} />
      <div>        {/* LEFT SIDEPANELS */}        <SidePanel          side="left"          defaultComponentOpen={leftPanelComponents[0].name}          childComponents={leftPanelComponents}        />
        {/* TOOLBAR + GRID */}        <ViewportGridComp          servicesManager={servicesManager}          viewportComponents={viewportComponents}          commandsManager={commandsManager}        />
        {/* Rigth SIDEPANELS */}        <SidePanel          side="right"          defaultComponentOpen={rightPanelComponents[0].name}          childComponents={rightPanelComponents}        />      </div>    </div>  );}

Overview Video#