Pub sub
OverviewPublish–subscribe pattern is a messaging pattern that is one of the fundamentals patterns used in reusable software components.
In short, services that implements this pattern, can have listeners subscribed to their broadcasted events. After the event is fired, the corresponding listener will execute the function that is registered.
You can read more about this design pattern here.
Example: Default InitializationIn Mode.jsx
we have a default initialization that demonstrates
a series of subscriptions to various events.
async function defaultRouteInit({ servicesManager, studyInstanceUIDs, dataSource,}) { const { DisplaySetService, HangingProtocolService, } =;
const unsubscriptions = [];
const { unsubscribe: instanceAddedUnsubscribe, } = DicomMetadataStore.subscribe( DicomMetadataStore.EVENTS.INSTANCES_ADDED, ({ StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID, madeInClient = false }) => { const seriesMetadata = DicomMetadataStore.getSeries( StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID );
DisplaySetService.makeDisplaySets(seriesMetadata.instances, madeInClient); } );
studyInstanceUIDs.forEach(StudyInstanceUID => { dataSource.retrieveSeriesMetadata({ StudyInstanceUID }); });
const { unsubscribe: seriesAddedUnsubscribe } = DicomMetadataStore.subscribe( DicomMetadataStore.EVENTS.SERIES_ADDED, ({ StudyInstanceUID }) => { const studyMetadata = DicomMetadataStore.getStudy(StudyInstanceUID);; } ); unsubscriptions.push(seriesAddedUnsubscribe);
return unsubscriptions;}
UnsubscriptionYou need to be careful if you are adding custom subscriptions to the app. Each subscription will return a unsubscription function that needs to be executed on component destruction to avoid adding multiple subscriptions to the same observer.
Below, we can see simplified
and the corresponding useEffect
where the unsubscription functions are executed upon destruction.
export default function ModeRoute(/**..**/) { /**...**/ useEffect( () => { /**...**/
DisplaySetService.init(extensionManager, sopClassHandlers)
extensionManager.onModeEnter() mode?.onModeEnter({ servicesManager, extensionManager })
hangingProtocols.forEach((extentionProtocols) => { const { protocols } = extensionManager.getModuleEntry(extentionProtocols) HangingProtocolService.addProtocols(protocols) })
const setupRouteInit = async () => { if (route.init) { return await route.init(/**...**/) }
return await defaultRouteInit(/**...**/) }
let unsubscriptions setupRouteInit().then((unsubs) => { unsubscriptions = unsubs })
return () => { extensionManager.onModeExit() mode?.onModeExit({ servicesManager, extensionManager }) unsubscriptions.forEach((unsub) => { unsub() }) } }, ) return <> /**...**/ </>}